Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Love is all you Need

{Picture the Holidays - Day 3: All You Need is Love}
Today focus on love. Feel it. Be it. Capture it. Share it.
It seems that love is all around during the holidays. We spend time with our loved ones, show how much we care, extend acts of kinds and generosity, and even spread love to those less fortunate whom we don't even know. If only we could show the love year 'round!

{Reverb 10 - Day 3: Moment}
Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail.

I'm standing on the edge of the 60 ft. yacht in La Paz, Mexico. Cutting through the crystal clear aqua-colored water with dolphins playing in the waves alongside the boat. They dive in and out of the water, their dark grey skin as shiny as the water, the bright sun bounces off like glitter. The boat jumps up and down and I think how it's a good thing I took my motion sickness pills. I look up at the sky, not a cloud in sight, and then I close my eyes and breathe in the fresh, salty ocean air. These are the moments I feel lucky be alive, experiencing the beauty the world has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Chelsea!!!

    I'm new here (came from 10 on 10) and I'm enjoying so much your photos and texts!

    I completly agree with you: love is all around! We just have to look at it! Look for it! And share it!

    Last January, my love died... young... suddenly... quickly... without giving me the chance to say the last "I love you and I always will". Since then, I'm more aware of other kinds of love: fathers, mothers, friends, offsprings. And it's there! It has always being there for me!

    So... now... I'm enjoying these other kinds of love. The first kind is locked inside me, making me stronger to stand all this and to raise my kids.

    Kisses and blessings.


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